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Malawi : 10 Days in Malawi (2005)
10 Days in Malawi (2005)

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Created: 20th Jun 2007
Modified: 4th Sep 2008
Brian Ekdale

2005. 51 minutes. Director: Brian Ekdale. Documentary

The film 10 Days in Malawi takes the point of view of a group of American medical aid and orphan care volunteers traveling through the country. Through the experiences of these volunteers, we witness the needs of the Malawian people, such as when a crowd at the medical clinic becomes so large and desperate that the workers have to shut the clinic down. Yet we also witness the beauty of the Malawian people through their joy, culture and generosity towards their guests. While we are often presented with such a one-sided and fatalistic view of life in Sub-Saharan Africa, 10 Days in Malawi reminds us that it’s these complexities that ensure that this land is not a place abandoned by hope.

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