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Ethiopia : Held at a Distance: My Rediscovery of Ethiopia (2007)
Held at a Distance: My Rediscovery of Ethiopia (2007)

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Created: 5th Jun 2007
Modified: 4th Sep 2008
Rebecca Haile
Academy Chicago Publishers

Held at a Distance: My Rediscovery of Ethiopia (2007)

by Rebecca Haile

Academy Chicago Publishers

In this first-hand account of a woman’s journey back to her homeland, Rebecca Haile gives readers a powerful and unique glimpse into a fascinating African country. Haile was born in Ethiopia in 1965 and lived there until she was 11 years old. When the emperor was deposed by a military coup, Haile’s father, a leading academic in Addis Ababa, was shot while “resisting arrest.” Barely surviving, he escaped with his family and settled in central Minnesota where they struggled with the cultural and financial strain of their drastically changed circumstances.

Few books have dealt with the millions of Ethiopians affected by war and strife in their country. Rebecca Haile’s book brings into focus the challenges and consequences of three decades of political upheaval in Ethiopia. She offers a clear-eyed analysis of the country today, and her keen observations and personal experiences will resonate with readers.

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