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Cameroon : Fulbe Voices: Marriage, Islam, And Medicine In Northern Cameroon (2006)
Fulbe Voices: Marriage, Islam, And Medicine In Northern Cameroon (2006)

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Created: 29th May 2007
Modified: 4th Sep 2008
Helen A. Regis
Westview Press

Fulbe Voices: Marriage, Islam, and Medicine in Northern Cameroon (2006) (Non-Fiction)
by Helen A. Regis
Westview Press


Fulbe Voices is based on everyday conversations in the West African village of Domaayo, Cameroon, where men and women struggle with the multiple cultural contradictions and social tensions emerging from their varied perspectives as farmers and entrepreneurs, schoolboys and elders, married and free women, rulers and ruled, Muslim scholars and spirit workers. Though sharing many terms of debate, Fulbe persons passionately argue about Muslim ideals and “pagan” practices, about Fulbe tradition and national reform, and about local histories and global flows. In Fulbe culture, social worlds are articulated and transformed through narrative and embodied performance.

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