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Land Art Project in South Africa
Land Art Project in South Africa

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Created: 29th Jan 2009
Modified: 29th Jan 2009
Only 11 AM from Wednesdays to Sundays

 Giant South African Earthwork taking shape

Almost every country in the world has one; an ancient or contemporary man made Earthwork representing deep spiritual feelings or as an Art form, etc.

Our 'Mama Africa' is dedicated to the African Continent and its people.

At this very moment we work together in the finishing of the shape and the planting of around 500 succulent indigenous Antima creepers which will cover the 3 metres high, 7 metres wide and 16 metres long object in one to two years.

Hopefully 'mama' is going to make history in Africa. (and recently we erected a 4.5 metre high laminated wooden cactus as a Landmark on anther heep somewhere in one of the gardens)

More info: http://soekershoflandart.wordpress.com


Soekershof; Private Mazes & Botanical Gardens in South Africa may locally be less known but overseas highly acclaimed by botanists/horticulturists of fame. BBC-TV garden program presentor and famous Irish landscaper Diarmuid Gavin described Soekershof as his favorite South African garden in The Sunday Times UK (January 2008) and the Swiss based International Botanists Association recommends its South Africa visiting members Soekershof as one of the four ‘must visit gardens’ in this country (next to Cape Town, Durban and J’burg botanical gardens).

What is so special about Soekershof?

Soekershof, as it is today, draws on the wealth of local history and story-telling folklore. In Soekershof – whose name means Seekers Court – you can explore the original succulent garden of Marthinus Malherbe, who is buried there, and see the oldest cactus in South Africa, which dates from 1910. The succulent gardens of Soekershof houses the largest outdoor succulent plant collection in South Africa (almost 2500 different registered species from all continents); from cute tiny ‘living stones’ to a giant Pachycereus weberii cactus of more than 10 metres high. It’s not a quick stroll through the garden but an interactive exploration in the company of people who want to provide visitors with and enjoyable and inspirational experience. The total surface of the succulent gardens is over 11,000 square metres excluding the own nursery. The cultivation of the plants in both nursery and garden is organically without the use of fertilisers and pesticides, etc.

The quest in the Klaas Voogds Maze (>4 kilometres path length) starts with a stone age movie in a stone age cinema after which visitors have to unraffle the mysteries of a cycling Dutchman and a womanising German. It’s not a maze in the traditional perception; this is a maze of life walking from one story to the other visualised by orietating beacons above the hedges.

Soekershof is not designated for mass tourism but focusses itself on the personal experience of each individual visitor. This too makes this venue fairly unique in a world where tourism attractions increasingly go for the numbers. Soekershof is also certified by Fair Trade in Tourism in South Africa

Contact Information
Klaas Voogds West
Western Cape, South Africa
Homepage of general website provides you with all relevant info including times and precise road directions including GPS-co-ordinates

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