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Chop the lamb into bite-size cubes, then saute in oil in a large, heavy pot. (The oil is hot enough...
Put the meat in large heavy pot whose bottom has been lightly coated with oil. Over high heat brown the...
Grow lemon grass herb in your garden or on a sunny window sill and have your own supply for this...
Salad Cabbage is a dish of hot salad.
Place chickens in a pot with all the other ingredients except olives and lemon peel. Cover with water and bring...
Both Maacouda and Meshwyia are typical Tuniscan hors d'oewres.
In a pot with just enough water to cover the bottom, steam the mango slices until they are very soft...
This recipe may be prepared with such leafy greens as kale, spinach, collards or sweet potato leaves. Pumpkin leaves are...
Milk tarts are regarded as the quintessential Afrikaans dessert. No church social is complete without one. A proper milk tart...
USe 1 tablespoon of the butter to grease an 8-inch tube cake pan. Dust with a tablespoon of the flour...