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This dish is served as a dip, or spread on small chunks of baguettes. Make it during a season when...
Both Maacouda and Meshwyia are typical Tuniscan hors d'oewres.
Ramadan--the ninth month of the Moslem calendar year--is the time of fasting during daylight hours. Thick peppery Harira, full of...
The Mozambican who inspired this recipe cooks it differently each time he makes it, depending on what is fresh in...
Spicy Vegetable Soup
Stir the meat, onions and coriander in moderately hot oil in a large soup pot.? Meanwhhile, pour boiling water over...
A Traditional Southern African recipe that is filled with flavors of chillies, spices, garlic and onions.
Nigerian Classic dish! It is a great soup for those who like to try something unique once in a while.
The use of zucchini in this recipe reflects a French influence.
Use this mixture for individual dishes when you don't have a supply of berbere on hand.