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Administration, South Africa, ...

A high court has dismissed an urgent application by opposition parties to force parliament to debate a motion of no confidence in President Jacob Zuma before going into end of year recess.

In a historic move for the Anglican church, Bishop Ellinah Wamukoya has been ordained as the first female Anglican bishop in Africa.

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Physician, pilot, author. MS degree in Aerospace Medicine. Trained at NASA and in the US Navy.
I am the Publisher/ Editor in Chief of the Voice magazine, the first complete African magazine published in the Netherlands...
Quincy James Owusu-Abeyie, often known simply by his first name, Quincy, is a footballer who plays for Qatar Stars League...
Management Professional*Global Sales Director*Director Business Development Africa
is an Argentine lawyer who has been the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) since 16 June 2003. He...
FairWater.org is a Dutch NGO for durable water supply in Africa, we change any broken down handpump with the new...
Ignisious Gaisah is a long jumper from Ghana.
Soccer player from the Cote d'Ivoire who is competing in the 2008 Olympics.
Charles Taylor is a former president of Liberia who stepped down following pressure from a rebel group. A former rebel...