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Khaled is an Algerian pop singer known as the King of Ra?.
Professional Football Player
N? ? Abidjan en C?te d?Ivoire le 6 Ao?t 1981, Keita mesure 1m84 et p?se 78kg.Surnomm? Popito, Soso, il d?bute...
Professional Football Player
Sprinter who will compete in the 2008 Summer Games.
Andr? "Dede" Ayew is a French-born Ghanaian international footballer who plays for French Ligue 2 club AC Arles-Avignon on loan...
Retire Aircraft Engineer, Avionics. Now writer and photographer
Aruna Dindane est international ivoirien, n? le 26 novembre 1980 ? Abidjan. Il joue au RC Lens en tant qu'attaquant...
Beno?t Assou-Ekotto is a professional French-Cameroonian footballer currently playing for Tottenham Hotspur.