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Bouna Coundoul born March 4, 1982 in Dakar, Senegal, is a Senegalese goalkeeper who currently plays for the Colorado Rapids...
Abdoulaye Ly born on 1919, was an African historian and Senegalese political leader.
Mbaye (Babacar) Dieye Faye is a singer and percussionist from Senegal.
El Hadj Malick Sy is responsible for bring the Tijaniyyah Sufi Islamic order to Senegal which he spread from the...
Serigne Saliou Mback? was the fifth Caliph of the Mouride brotherhood and is generally accredited as growing the Sufi Islamic...
Th?odore-Adrien Sarr is Cardinal at the Archbishop of Dakar. Born in Fadiouth on November 28, 1936, Sarr has served the...
Abdoulaye Wade is the third and current President of Senegal. Wade assumed office in April of 2000. Wade ran for...
Cheikh Hassan Ciss? is the Imam for the Tijaniyya Islamic community based in Kaolack, Senegal and is a renown Islamic...
" What doesn't kill you just makes you stronger "
A Senegalese historian and anthropologist who studied the human race's origins and pre-colonial African culture. He has been considered both...