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First Lady, Mozambique
M?rio Fernandes da Gra?a Machungo (born 1940) is a Mozambican politician.
Maria Mutola will represent Mozambique at the 2008 Olympics for the sixth time in her running career.
Ambassador of Mozambique to the United States.
First woman to hold the position of Prime Minister in Mozambique.
Pascoal Manuel Mocumbi born on April 10, 1941, was the Prime Minister of Mozambique from 1994 until 2004. His traditional...
International advocate for women and child rights; former education minister, Mozambique
Josina Machel (Muthemba), born 10 August 1945 and died 7 April 1971, was a Mozambican political exile and first wife...
M?rio Esteves Coluna (born August 6, 1935 at Inhaca, Portuguese East Africa) is a former Portuguese and Mozambican footballer. His...
Bishop of Lebombo, Anglican Church of Mozambique