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Created in 1971, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is an association of public and private members supporting...
(CEPHS) Cookey Environmental And Public Health Services (CEPHS) was set up to coordinate sustainable development and environmental management by finding...
Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), is a European-based research and campaign group targeting the threats to democracy, equity, social justice and...
Maudesco/FoE Mauritius was established in the wake of the setting up of the Brundtland Report in the 1990s. Its objectives...
CSIR Environmentek provides technologies for environmental assessment and management, terrestrial resources and environmental management, forestry and forest products, water resource...
DFGFI is dedicated to the conservation and protection of gorillas and their habitats in Africa. We are committed to promoting...
DONET's activities is to raise and strengthen people's involvement in conserving the environment, facilitate coordination, integration and information sharing among...
EarthAction's goal is to mobilize growing numbers of people around the world to press their governments (or sometimes corporations) for...
The Earth Council is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) that was created in September 1992 to promote and advance the...
Earth Day Network is an alliance of 5,000 groups in 184 countries working to promote a healthy environment and a...