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This network involves more than 100 NGOs from Arab countries who share their experiences and exchange information on environmental and...
AOYE founded the Arab Union for Youth and Environment in 1983 with the purpose of activating youth concerned with environmental...
ARECO a pour mission de promouvoir un environnement sain et agr?able pour un d?veloppement socio-?conomique soutenu et durable.
The Baldev Merkel foundation supports the development of policies that both improve the quality of life for people in the...
The Bank Information Center (BIC) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization that provides information and strategic support to NGOs and...
Business Action for Sustainable Development (BASD) is a comprehensive network of business organizations that have come together under one banner...
Biowatch South Africa is a national non-governmental organisation dedicated to publicising, monitoring and researching issues of biological diversity, genetic engineering...
The Blacksmith Institute's mission is to ensure that we provide a clean and hospitable planet to future generations. Our focus...
The Bretton Woods Project provides an extensive review of critical voices on tne Bretton Woods insitutions. It operates as a...
Part of the Conference Board, a business organization. Their vision is simple-tourism can benefit destinations by providing better livelihoods for...