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The National Council for Liberties in Tunisia was founded in Tunis on December 10, 1998, the fiftieth anniversary of the...
CRP works to ensure that Nigeria's legislation conforms with international human rights standards. CRP monitors and reports on the human...
CMFO is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit-making venture set up purposely to help in alleviating the suffering of war -...
The Centre for Socio-Legal Studies works towards sustaining South Africa's developing democracy. We do this by promoting a rights culture...
The Centre for Democracy and Development is a non-governmental organisation which aims to promote the values of democracy, peace &...
The All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) is a continental ecumenical body established in 1963 as a fellowship of Christian...
The African Youth Parliament (AYP) is a growing network of young African peace builders, activists and leaders. AYPs vision and...