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121 to 130 of 146

The Network of African Peace-builders (NAPS) is a continental, multidisciplinary, independent, non-profit, network connecting state and non-state actors. The overall...
The Quaker Peace Centre is a team of peacemakers and development practitioners from different backgrounds in South Africa. It works...
NSHR aims to secure due recognition and observance of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, especially those enshrined in the...
The Gun Control Alliance is committed to enhancing public safety by reducing the number of guns in society through stricter...
The Human Rights Law Service (HURILAWS) is a specialist provider of human rights and public interest law services in Nigeria...
CUSO is a Canadian organization which supports alliances for global social justice. CUSO works with people striving for freedom, self-determination,...
The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights is a non-governmental organization working for the protection and promotion of human rights in...