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The Africa Institute is a think tank, focusing on political, socio-economic, international and development issues in contemporary Africa. It conducts...
The EDGE Institute is an economic policy centre doing research to promote sustainable growth, development and distributional equity. The Institute...
The Secretariat of NEPAD (the New Partnership for Africa's Development) came into existence in 2001, and was conceived and developed...
CASAS, established in 1997, is a Pan-African centre for creating research networks in Africa and its Diaspora. CASAS undertakes the...
The Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum (also known as the "Human Rights Forum") has been in existence since January 1998...
Womens Consortium of Nigeria (WOCON) is a non-governmental, non-profit making organisation committed to the enforcement of womens rights and the...
Young Africa is an independent non-governmental organisation for participatory development cooperation. Young Africa is governed by a Board of Trustees,...