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AGENDA works on environmental issues that cut across different sectors. It areas of experience include: Chemicals and Chemical Wastes; Solid...
Les Amis de la Terre Togo was founded in 1990 and became an FoE member group in 1992. The group...
Guamina, which means "united home for working, mutual aid, solidarity and sharing", was founded in 1988, and joined FoEI in...
Advocacy, communication, education and information, environmental impact studies, natural resource management towards sustainable developement, especially conservation of biodiversity and environment...
Increase the awareness of the Nile River water crisis; and Develop a widely shared vision of a desirable, sustainable water...
The Shell Foundation is established to support efforts to achieve a balance between economic growth, care for the environment and...
The IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEA GHG) is an international collaboration which aims to: Evaluate technologies for reducing emissions...
Eau Vive focuses on development in the Sahel rural settlements. Through concrete actions, it aims at creating capacity building in...
WWF is an independent foundation, with an international secretariat in Switzerland which coordinates the WWF Network of offices in over...
Worldwatch is a non profit public policy research organization dedicated to informing policymakers and the public about emerging global problems...