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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. Browse listings of music from around the continent.

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With his latest album "La Diff?rence", Salif Keita helps his fellow African albinos, who are often victims of discrimination, stigmatization...
Vincent Nsengiyumva,a renowned songwriter,singer and performer of the Rwandan traditional music. Vincent Nsengiyumva from Present extraordinary,high energy performances of the...
<a href="http://www.myspace.com/queendofsalone">http://www.myspace.com/queendofsalone</a> <a href="http://sierraleonenow.com/music/song/id_341/">http://sierraleonenow.com/music/song/id_341/</a>
African reggae artist Clay 2 Nine (Clay two nine) pays tribute to World Cup 2010 South Africa <img src="http://counters.gigya.com/wildfire/IMP/CXNID=2000002.11NXC/bT*xJmx*PTEyNjk5NjQ2MzE3MjgmcHQ9MTI2OTk2NDYzNTE3OCZwPTI3MDgxJmQ9YmFubmVyX2ZpcnN*X2
This is a special video for people that love and want to save Africa. The music is one of our...
?a song unti climate worming,
Clay 2 Nine (pronounced Clay?two nine in English)?is a Liberian reggae artist who is often referred to as the next...
<em>KiB</em> "Kibrom Hailemariam" Ethiopian born hip hop artist relocated to Australia as a refugee is releasing his first debut album...
"Africa Chillin, Naija Chillin" is a remix of a hit song by Wale ft. Lady Gaga, "chillin".? Our remix introduces...
ugandan artist based in south africa with his gospel group theg4s.