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This gallery, at the head off of Absa is located in the city centre, houses up to 20?000 works and...
Abstract paintings are displayed from Jimoh Buraimoh, a celebrated and famous artist.
Authentic African art gallery, showcasing oil paintings, crafts, antiques & sculptures made of stone, wood, bronze, fibre glass, POP &...
The Bardo Museum has the world?s largest collection of Roman mosaics.? Even more spectacular than the collection itself is the...
You are a group of? professional, friend, villager, ? etc.. you want to share the thrill together explore our beautiful...
The District Six Museum commemorates the life and times of the community who had once occupied a specific region of...
The city's major public gallery spans international artists such as Rodin, Picasso and Henry Moore, to South Africans such as...
The Kigali Genocide Memorial Center is a powerful and moving site just outside Kigali. The center is home to a...
There are over 450 species of birds.
This museum combines artist exhibitions and reconstructed habitats for wildlife to show off some of Burundi's greatest resources.? Opened in...