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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. Browse listings of different things to do where you live, if you are in Africa, or any attractions that you visited, if you toured any country in Africa. Find existing listings.

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A beautiful game park in South Africa's northwest, Madikwe Game Reserve is home to a plethora of animals, including the...
Jozani forest has a wide spectrum of wildlife, most notably monkeys. The forest itself is quite diverse, including swamps, mangroves,...
Created in 1890, the botanical garden attracts many birds and butterflies. It also includes restaurants and overnight lodging.
Best experienced June to August
This national park is also a UNESCO World Heritage site.? The wetlands habitat provides a home to more than 1.5...
This is the only park in Burundi located in a mountainous region and is one of the most popular ecotourism...
Chobe has the most variation of wildlife, with many elephants and graving animals. The Savuti Marshes provide habitat for great...
An old rocky part of the Sahara with awesome views.? Features classic wall art from people long ago.?
A great spot for bird watchers.? Thousands of our winged friends pass through this national park on their way to...
Kruger National Park is world renowned for its size and diversity. The park measures 8,384sq miles and its home to...