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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. Browse listings of different things to do where you live, if you are in Africa, or any attractions that you visited, if you toured any country in Africa. Find existing listings.

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Tanzania safari packages, mostly visiting Tanzania's northern safari circuit, and starting from Arusha.
Yourhs Participation and Governance Course is an intensive four weeks course offered by MS-TCDC, Dar es salaam for Youths from...
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Stay at the Lake Chala Safari Camp to enjoy this gem of a caldera lake, lieing on the eastern slopes...
Explore ruins of a Shirazi village and cemetary dating to the 13th century. Guides are availble and should be given...
One of Arusha's most popular discos. Full of locals and expats, mostly UN workers. Good fun though.
Jozani forest has a wide spectrum of wildlife, most notably monkeys. The forest itself is quite diverse, including swamps, mangroves,...
Meaning "talking stone" in the local Kihehe language, Gangilonga Rock is believed to be the place where 19th century leader...
A favorite destination for those on a budget, Jambiani beach is located near a coral reef bed that offers a...