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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. Use our listings of places to stay to find accommodation as you plan your next trip.

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Great accomodation. Accepts credit cards.
Car rental service and room service available. Guided tours of local sights can be arranged.
Upscale lodge of single and double rooms. Rates include full board.
The Abou Nawas in Tunis is a luxury hotel located in the center of town with 282 rooms and 31...
Located in the new federal capital of Nigeria, this hotel offers all the amenities and comforts associated with the Sheraton...
Superbly situated in the Aburi Botanical Gardens, this is an excellent spot for birding and watching butterflies.
Located directly on the C?te d?Or beach on the northern coast of Praslin island, this luxurious beach hotel is built...
The Acropole Khartoum Hotel is a popular pick for officials from NGOs or the UN, journalists and other international travelers...
Ideally located on the busy road of Anomabu. The hotel is a walk away from the Anomabu Beach Resort. It...
In terms of your options in Askum (or Axum), Ethiopia, we think the Africa Hotel is your best bet (25USD/night...