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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. Use our listings of places to stay to find accommodation as you plan your next trip.

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The 450 guestrooms feature satellite television with premium channels, direct-dial multi-line phones, high-speed Internet connections, refrigerators, ceiling fans, climate control...
The 326 guestrooms include Internet connections, satellite television with premium channels, direct-dial phones, climate control and ceiling fans. Mini-bars and...
The first Aman resort on the African continent, Amanjena provides an ideal base for exploration of the ancient city of...
The 238 guestrooms are equipped with air conditioning, satellite television and direct-dial phones. Mini-bars and refrigerators are available on request.
The 61 air-conditioned guestrooms open onto balconies, and amenities include satellite television, direct-dial phones, Internet access, and hair dryers.
The 195 guestrooms open onto balconies and are equipped with satellite television, direct-dial phones, climate control and hair dryers.
The 194 air-conditioned guestrooms open onto private balconies and include cable television, telephones, safes and hair dryers.
The 104 climate-controlled guestrooms offer balconies, satellite television, direct-dial phones, desks, mini-bars and refrigerators. The half-board room rate incorporates buffet...
The 244 air-conditioned guestrooms open onto balconies with garden or pool views, and include satellite television, direct-dial phones, mini-bars and...
The 397 guestrooms are decorated in light, bright colors with wood furnishings. All include air conditioning, televisions with satellite channels,...