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Switching Roles

Switching Roles is a reality TV show about to debut in Nigeria. It is hinged on the supposition validated by psychologists and social welfare that mutual understanding is the key to matrimonial happiness. It seeks to help improve social relations and healthy disposition of couples.

More by user: switchingroles
Created: 15th Jun 2011
Modified: 15th Jun 2011
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Biographical Information
Switching Roles
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Feb/19/1988
Website: http://www.swi...
Place of Origin: Nigeria

The Switching Roles Reality series was conceived due to the many imbalances noticed today in marriages, one of which is the fact that Lots of marriages lapse into inertia and emotional intolerances barely two years after wedding in addition to the steady decline in mutual appreciation and respect for each other due to economic exigencies and Society pressures which demand success in all fronts leaving couples with very little time to service the emotional chord that runs amiable link between them. Also of note is the fact that in recent times, most homes are fast changing from being safe havens into dreaded war zones.


Thus a reality show on T.V, which encourages role switching between couples for

preferred time-belts, can reveal to couples how little they know about each other beyond the wedding laughter lines. It gives families opportunity to explore their various qualities in a more subtle and matured manner. The show will provide the couples the opportunity to switch domestic and Occupational roles so as to understand and appreciate each other’s challenges and responsibilities and will be a one-hour broadcast on National and cable stations. The competition envisages hundreds of thousands of contestants. The viewers determine who best adapted to the role reversal exercise via voting and SMS and the winner is determined by accumulation of votes.


The 1st place winner gets 5 million Naira Cash, an SUV and additional 5 million tied to a business of their choice. The Second place winner goes away with 3 million Naira cash and 1 million tied to a business of their choice while the third place winner gets 2.5 million Naira cash. There will be full coverage by international and local media corps and the event will communicated to the Nigerian community on a 24/7 basis through the Switching Roles site, its blog and social network platforms.


For more information, please visit www.switchingroles.net or join us on facebook and twitter.

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Nigeria, Government
Soccer, Nigeria
United States, Nigeria, Construction
Nigeria, Africa, Sport