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Evelyn John Holtzhausen

Former Journalist, CEO of HWB Communications, a public relations consultancy Based in Cape Town, South Africa, Member of the Public Relations Global Network (PGRN)

More by user: evelyn
Created: 18th Oct 2010
Modified: 18th Oct 2010
Professional Information
HWB Communications Prty Ltd
Working primarily in:
South Africa

Description of Work:

Designing and implementing communications strategies, assisting clients in times of risk to their personal or professional reputation, acknowledged as trainer in client/media relations.

Biographical Information
Evelyn John Holtzhausen
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Jan/1/1950
  City: Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: +27 21 4620416
Website: http://www.hwb...
Place of Origin: Africa

Former Journalist, CEO of HWB Communications, a public relations consultancy Based in Cape Town, South Africa, Member of the Public Relations Global Network (PGRN)

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