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Ahmed M. Mahamoud Silanyo

Ahmed M. Mahamoud Silanyo is a Somalian politician. He was elected President of Somaliland under the Kulmiye party in the June 2010 elections .

More by user: cumuhumuza
Created: 2nd Jul 2010
Modified: 2nd Jul 2010
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Biographical Information
Ahmed M. Mahamoud Silanyo
(At a Glance)
Place of Origin: Somalia

Ahmed M. Mahamoud Silanyo was born in Burco Town, Somalia  in 1936.

Silanyo attended University of Manchester (1960-1965) earning an Honors Bachelor's Degree in Economics. He also earned a Master's Degree in Economics from University of Manchester in 1966.

He entered Somali politics following his graduation. Serving in the Somali military government, Silanyo held several ministerial department positions until the military regime took power in 1969.

Silanyo left Somali and sought exile in the United Kingdom in 1982. While abroad, he was elected UK branch Chairman of  Somali National Movement, a rebel opposition group.

Upon return, Silanyo served as a member of the House of Representatives of Somaliland from 1993-1997. He also later served as Somaliland's Minister of Finance (1997-1999) and Minister of Planning and Coordination (1999-2001).

Silanyo was elected President of Somaliland, a breakaway region of Somalia, under the Kulmiye party in June 2010.


(Information found on garoweonline.com and wikipedia.com)


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