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Louis Wilson

I am an aspiring real estate agent and land consultant. Interested in import/export.(Communications)

More by user: lew1801
Created: 10th Jun 2010
Modified: 10th Jun 2010
Professional Information
American High Tech Realty, LLC

Description of Work:

I am a real estate broker / consultant in Savannah, Ga. U.S.A (Port City)

I aspire to be an international facilitator. i.e. Cellular communications.

Biographical Information
Louis Wilson
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Feb/20/1952
Gender: male
Website: http://www.sav...
Place of Origin: United States

I attended University of District of Columbia, Savannah State University. Accounting/economics/finance/marketing

Born Savannah,Ga. U.S. Air force 1971-1974 (Cook) Traveled extensively.

Sister-in-law from Botswana. I would love to go but cant afford right now.

I am single. I have 6 sons, 1 daughter.



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