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Dick Siame


Dick Siame is the IFAD Zambia Country Officer based in Zambia.

More by user: sabiola
Created: 30th Oct 2009
Modified: 30th Oct 2009
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Country Portfolio Manager, Zambia
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:

Siame previously worked in Zambia as a management consultant for the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) on its improved household food security project in Mansa. This entailed streamlining the project’s management information systems, preparing monitoring forms and strengthening farmer groups.

Siame was also the founding programme co-ordinator of the Rural Investment Fund (RIF) in Zambia, funded by the World Bank and the Ministry of Agriculture.

After working with RIF, Siame was an adviser to German Technical Co-operation (GTZ), mostly on building the capacity of senior staff in councils, and has been seconded to the Ministry of Agriculture under a number of donor-funded agricultural development projects, as well as providing consultancy for the privatisation of the Dairy Board.

Dr Dick Siame then took over as programme co-ordinator of the Smallholder Enterprise and Marketing Programme (SHEMP). The programme is funded by the United Nations’ International Fund for Agricultural Development and falls under the Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives and is managed by UK-based consulting firm Masdar. It got contracts with NGOs such as Africare and the Co-operative League of the USA (CLUSA) for implementation work.

He now works as the IFAD Country Portfolio Manager for Zambia.

Biographical Information
Dick Siame
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Zambia

Dr. Siame obtained his Ph.D. in development studies from the University of East Anglia in the UK and a masters in project planning from Bradford University, after which he did consultancy work in the UK on a European Union-funded project on rural enterprise, covering business development, distance learning, information technology and business generation in the countryside.

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Soccer, Zambia
Agriculture, Computer Science, ...
Government, Agriculture, South Africa
Soccer, South Africa, Zambia
Soccer, Zambia, South Africa