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Sibusiso Joel Ndebele

South Africa

Minister of Transport

More by user: aismail
Created: 12th May 2009
Modified: 12th May 2009
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Transport, Government
Government of South Africa
Minister of Transport
Working primarily in:
South Africa

Biographical Information
Sibusiso Joel Ndebele
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Oct/17/1948
Gender: male
Place of Origin: South Africa

Current Positions

    * Premier of KwaZulu-Natal Province since 22 April 2004.
    * Serves in the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the African National Congress (ANC) since 1997.

Academic Qualifications

    * Primary school at Makhaseneni near Melmoth.
    * Secondary school at Entembeni Secondary School and matriculated from Eshowe Teachers' Training and High School (1968).
    * Studied Library Science at the University of Zululand (1970 - 1972).
    * Bachelor of Arts degree in International Politics and African Politics from University of South Africa (1982 - 1983)
    * Bachelor of Arts honours degree with distinction in Development Administration and Politics (1985)

Career/Positions/Memberships/Other Activities

    * Chairperson of the ANC in KwaZulu-Natal Province (1998 - 2008).
    * Deputy Chairperson in KwaZulu-Natal (1996 - 1998).
    * Member of the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Executive Committee and the Provincial Working Committee of the ANC (1994 - 2008).
    * Was actively involved in the University Christian Movement and later with the South African Students Organisation (SASO).
    * Worked at the archives at a Lutheran Church Centre at Maphumulo.
    * Appointed Publicity Secretary of SASO for the University of Zululand (1972).
    * Worked as an Assistant Librarian at the University of the North (1973 - 1974).
    * Joined the African National Congress (ANC) under ground and went into exile in Swaziland (1974 - 1976).
    * Worked as Assistant Librarian at University of Swaziland, (1974 - 1976).
    * Was arrested for ANC activities in May 1976 and was sentenced to ten years on Robben Island in June 1977.
    * Research fellow at University of Natal's Department of Town and Regional Planning.
    * Regional Secretary of the ANC for Southern Natal (1990 - 1996).
    * Director (Office of Residence Administration) - University of the Durban - Westville (1991 - 1994).
    * Member of the National Executive Committee of the ANC (1997).
    * Served in the Education Development Trust along with Dr IF Matsepe-Casaburri (1980 - 1994).
    * MEC for Transport for the united province of KwaZulu-Natal (1994).
    * Founder and Chairperson of the African Renaissance Trust based in KwaZulu-Natal.
    * Played a key role in peace iniatiative in Kwazulu-Natal since 1987.


    * An award by COMTO for continous support of African Renaissance at the Transportation African-Renaissance Transportation (2000).
    * Honorary Doctorate from the University of Zululand in 2005.

Source: Office of the Premier

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