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Dipesh Pabari


Dipesh Pabari is a Kenyan writer and freelance education and communications consultant. He sits on the Editorial Board for Awaaz Magazine (a journal for South Asians in diaspora) and Wajibu (a journal

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Created: 14th Mar 2009
Modified: 5th Aug 2009
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Camps International
Program Manager
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:

My working experience in media and communications in general has led me to cultivate using online media to effect positive change. For example, in response to the post-election crises, I initiated a blog (Sukuma Kenya) to raise awareness and funds for victims in Kisumu. In less than one month, I raised approximately $12,000 which was used for IDPs by an established charity in Kisumu (Ladies In Action). I continue to run the blog as a civil activist and a number of other blogs on a variety of issues. Sukuma Kenya and Ladies In Action were recently awarded a prize in the Unsung Peace Heroes national recognition competition. The blog is currently ranked in the top 5 Kenyan blogs and in the top 60 African blogs by Afrigator (Africa's largest blog aggregator) out of an existing 7000 blogs.


My previous positions has brought on a wealth of experience, and contacts in traditional media and new media. I have learnt to use the power of online social networking and media (specifically Web 2.0 tools) for both creative purposes and to enhance positive change. I have been involved directly with National Geographic productions as well as developing media stories that have been picked up by a range of top media houses including Reuters, AP, and AFP.


You will note that I have also taken on Management positions in the different organizations I have been attached to which contributed immensely to understanding the importance of strategic planning with a holistic approach as well as traditional and online fundraising, implementation and coordination of projects.


Moreover, with a long term passion for the arts, I have been fortunate to have gained experience in events management. Last year alone, I was the Director of the South Asian Fusion Festival (www.samosafestival.com) and the co-organiser of the Kwani Literary Festival (www.kwanilitfest.com)


I have recently completed a consultancy contract designing a master course to use the internet for research and advocacy as well as holding a part-time consultancy to improve the fundraising and marketing of a local ecotourism organization called the Colobus Trust based on the south coast of Kenya.


Currently working as the Africa Program Manager for a Responsible Travel Company called Camps International (www.campsinternational.com)



Biographical Information
Dipesh Pabari
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Feb/22/1976
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Kenya


Sukuma Kenya and Ladies In Action were recently awarded a prize in the Unsung Peace Heroes national recognition competition. The blog is currently ranked in the top 5 Kenyan blogs and in the top 60 African blogs by Afrigator (Africa's largest blog aggregator) out of an existing 7000 blogs.

Other Accomplishments:




§        Director of SAMOSA Festival 2008

§        Member of the Editorial Board for Awaaz, and regular contributor

§        Member of the Editorial Board for Wajibu, and regular contributor

§        Manage a social activism blog (http://sukumakenya.blogspot.com) rated in the top 4 Kenyan blogs and top 60 in Africa

§        Regular contributor to online journals and new sites (Pambazuka, AfricaNews, Kenya Imagine)

§        Regular contributor to TN/Twende Magazine, (Travel, News and Lifestyle – East Africa)

§        Regular contributor to the East African Weekly Newspaper

Online fundraising for humanitarian relief and poverty reduction in Kisumu, Kenya





·         “Samosas and stereotypes” East African, 15th December 2008

·        “Male Circumcision: Cutting a piece of Culture” Wajibu Magazine, December 2008

·        “Power, Politics and HIV/AIDS in the African blogosphere” Pambazuka,  December 2008

·         “The Bush Bloggers” Environmental Barometer, August 2008

·        “To Leave or Not to Leave” Awaaz Magazine, August 2008

·        “TAITA: A Road Less Travelled” Twende East Africa, August 2008

·        “Jahazi Sets Sail Again” TN Magazine, June 2008

·        “Far From the Mara Crowd” TN Magazine, April 2008

·        Muhindi Blood, Kenya Damu” Awaaz, February 2008

·        “Guns, Gorillas and Blogs” TN Magazine, January 2008

·        “For the Times they are Changing (or Not)” Wajibu, November 2007

·        “Conservation or Consumption” TN Magazine, August 2007

·        Mombasa’s Mystery Tunnels”  Old Africa Magazine, July 2007

·        Dipesh Pabari and Lila Luce (Editors) ‘The Unlikely Burden and other short stories’ , Sasa Sema Publications, September 2006

·        Pygmy Hunted”  The Unlikely Burden and other short stories, Sasa Sema Publications September 2006

·        Donkeys of Usa RiverAnimals International Issue 73 2006

·        Sierra Leone’s Strays” Animals International Issue 72 2005

·        Capitalist Curries and Categorical Conquistadores” Awaaz Issue 3 2004

·        On Mimicry and Language.” Kwani02 Publications May 2004.

·        Dipesh Pabari, Billy Obare, Kawango Agot, Jeckoniah Ndinya-Achola, Robert Bailey – “Community Beliefs About a Clinical Trial of Male Circumcision in Kisumu, Kenya."  ICASA Conference September 2003.

Violet Matiru, Duncan Odima, Dipesh Pabari, Chris Thuku, Janet Awimbo – “Forest Cover and Forest Reserves in Kenya: Policy and Practice.” IUCN Kenya 2000.

More People

Sport, Kenya
Business, Kenya
Kenya, Art, Sudan
United States, Sport, Kenya