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Henry Ekwuruke


Henry Ekwuruke is a the Executive Director of the Development Generation Africa International and a Panorama Zine Editor at TakingITGlobal.org

More by user: Henry Ekwuruke
Created: 10th Feb 2009
Modified: 10th Feb 2009
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Development Generation Africa International
Executive Director
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:

I work as the Programme Coordinator and Executive Director of the Development Generation Africa International. My work include development of concepts and other executive activities at the organization. It includes assignment of duties to other officers and making statements on behalf of the organization.

Biographical Information
Henry Ekwuruke
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Sep/16/1984
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Nigeria

Henry holds Diploma in International Environmental Law from UNITAR, Geneva.

More People

Online, Nigeria, Science and Technology
Government, Nigeria
Ukraine, Nigeria
Nigeria, Government
Nigeria, Russian Federation