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Ada Bessomo

Ada Bessomo, poet and novelist, is the pen name of Alberti Mekinda Eloumou.

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Created: 18th Nov 2008
Modified: 7th Jun 2012
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Biographical Information
Ada Bessomo
(At a Glance)
Place of Origin: Cameroon

Ada Bessomo, poet and novelist, is the pen name of Alberti Mekinda Eloumou, who has thus chosen to set apart his literary and artistic persona and his job as a Jurist.

Born in Cameroon in November 1975, he attended various junior high schools such as Collège Teerenstra in Bertoua, Collège de la Retraite in Yaoundé, Collège de la Salle in Doumé and Biyem Assi High School in Yaoundé, where he graduated in July 1990, majoring in Spanish, philosophy and Literature.


He enrolled in the Law University of Aix-en-Provence (France) two months later. He then went on to study in Lille where he started a doctorate in  Law of labour in 1996.


He founded the association Le Vaste Songe ( The Far-reaching Dream) in 2001 where he leads literary debates each month, the radio programme « Olé », a cultural magazine, and a web site devoted to games and cultures : www.ozila.net


« Le gars de la Cédille » ( The guy who loves cedillas), a short story, was published in 2006 ( Meura Publishers). It is an homage to the so-called « pole salesboys » in Yaoundé and Tchicaya UTamsi, the congolese poet.


" On the ground, in closer of the wastes, the words slept on disemboweled cardboards. Spread cardboards which are of use as throne or as bed to the words. Words piled up, carried by pages wrinkled, engraved by rains, suns which go and come here without ever frowning. (...) The resistance fighters here are books which we sell to closer of dusts, on the ground ".


The poem « Bémols Saugrenus » (  Absurd flat notes) was published in 2007 by Les Vanneaux Publishers headed by Cécile Odartchenko. It is about a dive into the vortex of feelings and passions.


Every stamp first of all surly deaf

then moved closer to us by far naturally

You swore that everything would be henceforth

conjunctiva of the eye with the tongue

without that ever our flesh gives in to the shouts.


Yaounde, an obsession of the author, is present everywhere in this poem, among other repetitive themes : memory, the sharing of justice, politics which is still to be ennobled.


Ada Bessomo is following, thanks to poetry and novel, his exploratory quest for the intimate lands of a generation, his generation, of a world, symbolised by Yaounde. «  Obili Blues »  is his second collection.