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Machivenyika Mapuranga


Ambassador of Zimbabwe to the United States, 2005 - present.

More by user: klucy
Created: 2nd Jul 2008
Modified: 10th Jul 2008
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Description of Work:
As a University lecturer, Mapuranga spent the mid-1970s teaching in Nigeria and Zimbabwe, before moving on to a life of foreign diplomacy.

He held numerous titles throughout the 1980s, including Ambassador to Tanzania and to Ghana, Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, representative of the Southern African region to the OAU – before becoming Ambassador to the United States in 2005.

Special assignments he has received include the OAU's special envoy to Somalia, Sierra Leone and Burundi, OAU Special Representative to Rwanda, as well as representative to various international summits and meetings throughout the 1990s.

Publications include "Evolutionism as a Basis of Colonial Administrative Ideology: The Case of Malawi in the Era of H.H. Johnston 1891-1896" in 1977 and “Dr Albert Thorne’s Unsuccessful Attempt at Setting up a Black Colony in Malawi, 1898 - 1905" in 1986.

Mapuranga's controversial position on the influence of Western nations on Africa has recently been the subject of much news coverage.

The Embassy of Zimbabwe in Washington, DC


 Photo Source: www.zimbabwe-embassy.us/embassy1.html

Biographical Information
Machivenyika Mapuranga
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Interests: Mapuranga is fluent in English and Swahili and conversational in French.
Place of Origin: Zimbabwe

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