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Bishop Dinis Sengulane


Bishop of Lebombo, Anglican Church of Mozambique

More by user: chesson
Created: 20th May 2008
Modified: 20th May 2008
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Description of Work:
Bishop Dinis Sengulane was consecrated Bishop on March 25, 1976 as Suffragan of Lebombo and elected Diocesan in July of the same year. His work revolves around evangelism, healing ministry, theological training, peace issues and children’s ministry. Currently he is the Diocesan of Lebombo, President of Peace and Reconciliation of the Council of Churches, President of the National Bible Society, Principal of the Theological Seminary for both Dioceses of Mozambique, Bishop in Charge of Angola, Member of the Liturgical Committee of the Anglican Province of Southern Africa, President of the Committee on Evangelism of the CCM, Board Chairman of World Vision Mozambique, Member of National Transparency, Chair of Roll Back Malaria Mozambique, Chair of the Christian Council of Mozambique and Co-Chair for Inter Religious Campaign against Malaria in Mozambique. He won the All Africa Conference of Churches Peace Award in 1992, the DIAKONIA Peace Award in 1993, the St. Augustine’s Cross by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1996, and become an Honorary Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George (CMG) in 1996. (http://www.globalhealth.org/conference/view_top.php3?id=845)
Biographical Information
Bishop Dinis Sengulane
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Mozambique

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