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Ryan Canin

South Africa

Ryan is a South African teenager who has freshened his "concept of world peace" from the just ended peace summit in New York

More by user: bfofana
Created: 18th Apr 2008
Modified: 18th Apr 2008
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Ryan Canin
(At a Glance)
Place of Origin: South Africa
"Peace is possible" - A refreshing statement in this day and age of intolerance and violence. However peace is seldom seen as a reality or even a possibility. I never recognized this phrase as more than a potential calendar note until now. The Just Peace Summit 2008, held in New York City, has forever changed my life and perspective from which I view the concept of peace. After spending an inspirational week with 29 other Global Teen Leaders from around the world who are each working to address the basic needs of people in their countries I was truly motivated to take action. During this week we learnt about many facets that can help expand our projects. For each component we worked with some of the top people in that field. We learnt how to use photographs to tell a story by award-winning photographer Teun Voeten, and then went on an assignment around Times Square to take photos with our newly acquired skills only to be assisted later by professional photographers in evaluating our efforts. When we were taught about using music and film as a message it was presented by legendary figures in the business such as Nile Rodgers, Jamal Joseph, Danny Schechter and Tom Silverman. This was not your usual summit - it was the beginning of a world changing movement called Three Dot Dash, Morse code for 'v', the symbol of peace. The message of peace and its possibility was passed on to us by Jeni Stepanek, using her son, Mattie's famous peace poems. This Summit brought together 30 individuals with a common goal of peace and now that we are family we will change the world together.

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