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Fatma Ndoye


" What doesn't kill you just makes you stronger "

More by user: lremy
Created: 12th Mar 2008
Modified: 14th Mar 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Image et Vie
Volunter Intern
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:
'Image et Vie' is an NGO that takes action on cultural and social issues through the use of cinema. Located in Cinema El Hadj, at Gueule Tapee in Dakar, Senegal, this NGO is making a positive impact in the Senegalese arts, film and entertainment scene. Not afraid to work in collaboration with other alternative groups or organisations, it is not surprising to see their names attached to festivals, opening, premiers and other such grand events around Dakar.

Increasingly over the last couple of years, 'Image et Vie' has put their efforts and energies, not only for the causes they support (HIV/AIDS, refugees, education), they are always trying to make a name for themselves in creating a space for more visibility and a greater presence for them as an organisation. In doing so, they are hoping to bring 'cool' back to cinema and films.

Borne of an apparent crisis noted in the cinematographic sector, 'Image et Vie' was created as a result of the closure of many theatres around Dakar, they feared the lost of a 'culture', as such. Paradoxically, at the time, there was resurgence and demand from youth for a space to be created to fuel their ambitions in the arts.

Around, most people relate 'Image et Vie' to their annual "Festival de Cinema Image et Vie" and "Festival de Quartiers".
These, popularized by their message of promoting education and culture through cinema, is hugely attractive to children and youth around Dakar neighbourhoods.
The main objectives of the these festivals, which make up a large part of the mandate of 'Image et Vie' are:

- To promote the production and diffusion of films, particularly 
   African Films
- To popularize African culture and traditions
- To educate and build the capacities of young people engaged in 
-To form. and bring back, a foundation of cinematographic culture
  among the youth in West Africa, starting with Senegal
- To explore current debates in development such as the themes
   of Women and Cinema, Women in Cinema
- To organize events and workshops for professionals in cinema,
   film enthousiasts, and decision-makers
-  To re-integrate and mainstream cinema and the movie-going
    culture back into Dakarian culture
- To inform and sensitize populations on questions relating to 
   current debates on health (HIV/AIDS) and environment (climate 

Biographical Information
Fatma Ndoye
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Dec/12/
Interests: Likes to swim, internet-aholic, attend events and film festivals, meet new people, discuss, studying
  City: Dakar
Place of Origin: Senegal

As an 'activist' in the arts, namely cinmematic, Ms Ndoye is slowly but surely taking strides in pushing cinema as a vehicle for development issues. A strong believer in the work of humanitarianism, Fatma is an active volunteer at 'Image et Vie', where she has been interning (learning the trade) for the past year.

Not only does she learn immensely from Mr Khalil Ndiaye, her mentor and the Director of 'Image et Vie', but she plays her role as coordinator-cum-Advocacy and Communication officer so well, that it is not hard to imagine why she is volunteering! Her passion for 'helping the betterment of society and those less fortunate' is undying; often contagious when engaged in conversation with her.

Coming from a diversified and eclectic background, having lived in France in her formative years, she has brought back a lot of the 'spirit' of assisting others from what her parents and upbringing has taught her. She is constantly on the lookout for bigger and better projects that engage her intellect and
push her limits of learning and being involved in 'Development'.

Coupled with her continuous studies, Fatma is in due course to making waves in the arts, especially in Senegal.

Listen out for her!

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Occupations, Senegal
Soccer, Senegal
United States, Dance, Zimbabwe