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Promotion des Medecines Traditionnelles (PROMETRA)

Visit their site: www.prometra.org

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Organization Details
PROMETRA uses traditional African medicine to help find solutions to contemporary health problems including AIDS. PROMETRA has been working to restore and preserve African traditional medical practices with individual healers in Senegal and with partners in other countries in Africa and around the world. Established in 1971, PROMETRA now has chapters in 11 African countries. Dr. Erick Gbodossou, president of PROMETRA, is an Ob-Gyn and psychiatrist with a joint degree in medicine and pharmacy from the University of Dakar in Senegal, and has authored numerous publications on traditional medicine. Dr. Gbodossou traces his traditional medicine roots back to childhood - he was chosen at the age of two to be trained in the forest as a healer under the direction of his grandfather and a team of elders.
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