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Zimbabwe : The Battle for Zimbabwe (2003)
The Battle for Zimbabwe (2003)

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Created: 1st Jun 2007
Modified: 4th Sep 2008
Geoff Hill
Struik Publishers

The Battle for Zimbabwe (2003)

By Geoff Hill

Struik Publishers

Geoff Hill takes the reader inside Robert Mugabe’s party, ZANU-PF, and the opposition Movement for Democratic Change. The author has met with members of both parties who have been prepared to talk candidly with him, giving him behind-the-scenes information. The book considers the role of critics and observers - the role and treatment of the press within Zimbabwe, and the often contradictory responses to Mugabe from the international community. It also looks at the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans living in a collapsing economy. Finally, it considers Zimbabwe’s future - the challenge that lies ahead to rebuild the country.

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