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Fintar O Destino (Dribbling Fate) (1998)
Fintar O Destino (Dribbling Fate) (1998)

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Created: 30th May 2007
Modified: 4th Sep 2008
Fernando Vendrell

Fintar O Destino (Dribbling Fate) (1998)

1998. 77 minutes, Portugal / Cape Verde. Director: Fernando Vendrell. Feature Film. USD$25-195
In Criolo and Portuguese with English subtitles. The story centers on a
small-town grocery-store owner, Mane, as he remembers his past glories with the national soccer team Benefica during the '50s. Obsessed with the sport, Mane attempts to train a local team without much success, so when he sees promise in young Kalu, he goes for broke, spending his wife's savings on tickets to Lisbon in hopes of connecting Kalu with Benefica.

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