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Liberia : Redemption Road: The Quest for Peace and Justice in Liberia (A Novel)
Redemption Road: The Quest for Peace and Justice in Liberia (A Novel)

More by user: apark
Created: 21st Jul 2008
Modified: 21st Jul 2008
Liberia; Conflict, Peace and Security; Arms and Military Affairs; Advocacy and Research Groups; Aid and Assistance; Conflict, Peace and Security; Human Rights; International Organizations and Africa
Elma Shaw
Cotton Tree Press
Set in Monrovia during the reign of Charles Taylor as war wages just outside the capital, this is the story of a lone woman who works to help victims with their trauma while struggling through her own tourment on her own.  Include some vivid flashbacks to the war itself and probes the reader to contemplate serious questions about peace, reconcilliation and forgiveness.  

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