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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. myAfrica is designed to help you find and learn about things African. We are building what will become the most comprehensive and easilty searchable database of African tastes, sights, places and more.

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This is one of the best places to go for a quick, sweet bite to eat.? Carry-out is also a...
The name is somewhat deceiving, and thus the this restaurant is often overlooked by people passing by.? But the Italian...
Really beautiful, decorative interior with local aesthetic sense.? The service is great and the local, traditional food is even better.
Most Eritrean food is a mix of local and Italian cuisine, and both of often offered at this restaurant. It...
Great traditional, Ethiopian food.? The service is also notable.? This is one of the best places to go to hear...
Really great atmosphere with beautiful art on the walls. Sometimes the art is created by local artists. Attracts a more...
Local faranji food cooked to sheer perfection.? Really pleasant staff and atmosphere.? Great place to relax and enjoy a long...
Really great local faranji food at reasonable prices.? There is live music on the weekend.? Stop by to learn more...
This is a favorite of expats and many locals, and has established a loyal base despite its recent opening.? It...
For under $5, enjoy really delicious, local food in hearty portions. The style is more rustic, with thatched architecture.