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Chemikalie? in die huis voedsel agter kanker en onvrugbaarheid
Janet Museveni (born August 15, 1949) is the First Lady of Uganda since May 1986. She founded the Uganda Womens...
Am Sarah from Uganda i have liked this site due to its guidance with people all over the world i...
Hardworking and talented
Hardworking and responsible
Colonel in the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) in Uganda.
Jaberi Bibandi Ssali is president of the Peoples' Progressive Party and will be a candidate in Uganda's 2011 presidential elections.
Samuel Walter Mukaaku Lubega is a politician and will stand as an independent candidate in Uganda's 2011 presidential elections.
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni (born 1944) is the president of Uganda and a candidate for the National Resistance Movement in the...