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Born in 1951 in Cairo, Abdel-Moneim Aboul-Fotouh is a well-known Islamist activist, former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, and currently...
Ahmed Shafiq is a candidate for the presidency of Egypt. He was a senior commander in the Egyptian Air Force...
Time magazine once hailed him as"perhaps the most adored public servant in the Arab world."Today,Amr is viewed as the front...
Will compete in the Women's modern pentathlon in the 2008 Olympics.
Muhammad Husni Mubarak (commonly known as Hosni Mubarak) has been the president of Egypt since October 14, 1981.
Magdi Abdelghani (born July 27, 1959) is a former Egyptian footballer. He played in Portugal for Beira-Mar. At the 1990...
Egypt's first democratically-elected President.
Nawal El Saadawi is an Egyptian doctor, novelist, and writer who fights for women's rights.
Mr. Sherif Soliman Owner & Vice President Of Sales & Marketing Pharaoh Egypt Hotel Web site : http://www.pharaohegypt.com E-mail: info@pharaohegypt.com
Tatamkhulu Ismail Afrika?s life was a fugue of intertwining identities. He was,a novelist, a soldier, a prisoner of war, a...