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Mu?ataz ben Amer is a Libyan soccer personnel
Muhammad al Maghrabi a Libyan footballer
Jum'aa Q'tait is a Libyan International Football player .
Samir Abboud is a Libyan International Football player .
Kampamba Chintu is a Zambian football defender currently playing for Bidvest Wits in the South African Premier Soccer League.
Ahmed Sa?ad is a Libyan soccer personel.
Rabee?a al-Laafi is a Libyan soccer personnel
Francis Kasonde is versatile defender who is comfortable across the back four and can also operate as a holding midfielder.
Christopher Katongo is a Zambian international footballer who plays professionally for Chinese club Henan Construction F.C., as a striker and...
Emmanuel Mayuka is a Zambian football striker that currently plays number 24 for BCS Young Boys FC.