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The mission of Hands of a Hero foundation is to support disadvantaged children including orphans, sick, neglected and street kids...
Our Mission is to alleviate poverty and empower poor rural communities through economic and social programs. We stand to change...
Overview Engineered for simplicity of operation, the TYA series vacuum lubricant oil purification system is fully automatic and designed to...
Located in Chongqing,China, we specialize in designing and manufacturing reclamation equipments for purifying transformer oil, refrigerant oil, lube oil, turbine...
Series TY vacuum turbine oil purifier mainly be used for purifying unqualified turbine oil, especially for serious emulsion turbine oil,...
Overview: Series LYE engine oil regeneration system is mainly for regenerating the waste engine oil, this equipment can effective separate...
Johannesburg - Nearly 200 attendees, representing over 100 organisations are expected to attend the Payments Southern Africa Conference and Exhibition...
ZY/ ZYA Highly Effective Vacuum Oil Purifier (Contact---Karen Kung Hotmail: oilpurifier-kung Yahoo: karenkung5 Gmail: oilpurifierkung Skype: kitty526114 Tel:86-23-68681160 Mobile: 86-15023143510...
TY Turbine Oil Purifier (Contact---Karen Kung Hotmail: oilpurifier-kung Skype: kitty526114 ICQ:no.613960144 Yahoo Messenger: karenkung5 Tel:86-23-68681160 Mobile: 86-15023143510 Fax:86-23-86197078 http://bit.ly/oilpurifier Application:...
Our Mission is to provide best health care services to people world wide. India to become the best medical travel...