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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. Browse listings of music from around the continent.

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Performer, instrumentalist, composer, pioneer of Afrobeat music, human rights activist and political maverick, Fela Kuti is often referred to as...
Not to get to technical about this, but Shoki Shoki is more or less the album/CD that marks Femi Kuti's...
Zap Mama's music is an expression of Daulne's roots in Congo Kinshasa, her upbringing in Belgium, and her return to...
After the critical success of the 2001 revival/release of Pirate's Choice, orchestral baobab went back to the studio and returned...
Anne-Marie Nzi?, often called the Queen Mother of Bikutsi, has a career that began in the 1940s. Considered a national...
Sally Nyolo is a pop artist from southern Cameroon. Once a member of Zap Mama, the now solo artist blends...
Kristo Numpuby plays assiko music, the traditional rhythm of the southern Cameroon forests, using a guitar, knives, forks and spoons,...
Coco Mbassi is new to the African music scene, but the talented artist has already received praise and awards for...
Henri Dikongu? is a popular singer and guitarist whose career began in the 1980s. His style blends elements from makossa,...
Prince Eyango A.K.A Ndedi Eyango is an African pop artist who has been performing since the 1980s. He sings in...