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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. We are building the most comprehensive and easily searchable archive of films made about and from Africa.

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71 to 80 of 171

Last Chance for Peace in Sierra Leone (2000) 2000. 53 minutes. Sierra Leone. Documentary This compelling program documents the daring...
Operation Fine Girl (2001) 2001. 46 minutes. Sierra Leone. Documentary Documentary about the use of sexual violence against women as...
Witness to Truth: A Video Report and Recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Sierra Leone (2004) 2004. 55...
The Language You Cry In (1999) 1999. 53 minutes. Sierra Leone. Producer/Directors: Alvaro Toepke and Angel Serrano. Documentary The film...
The Angel Returns: Changing the Tradition of Female Circumcision 50 min. Documentary This colorfully photographed film is set in Somalia,...
Talk Mogadishu: Media Under Fire (2003) 2003. 50 Minutes. Somalia. Directed by Judy Jackson. Documentary Documents the operation of the...
Mama Benz (1993) 1993. 48 minutes. Togo The colorful markets of Africa are often dominated by strong older women, who...
Bamako Sigi-Kan (2002) 202. 76 minutes. Mali. Manthia Diawara. Documentary This original documentary shot by Arthur Jafa brings a new...
Living Memory: Six Sketches of Mali Today (2003) 2003. 53 minutes. Mali. Directed by Susan Vogel. Produced by Susan Vogel,...
Liberia: America's Stepchild (2002) 2002. 90 min. Liberia. Documentary Documentary follows the parallel stories of the relationship between the United...