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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. We are building the most comprehensive and easily searchable archive of films made about and from Africa.

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61 to 70 of 171

2006. 73 minutes. South Africa. Director: Thomas Allen Harris. Feature film. USD$25-$200. Thomas Allen Harris? bittersweet eulogy to his stepfather,...
94 minutes. South Africa. Director: Gavin Hood. Feature film. USD$20.002007 Academy Award winner for Best Foreign Film. Based on South...
Mahaleo (2004) 2004. 102 minutes. France / Madagascar. Producers: Marie-Cl?mence Paes, Cesar Paes, Raymond Rajaonarivelo. Documentary In French and Malagasy...
1989. 64 minutes Madagascar. Producer: Marie-Clemence Blanc-Paes, Director: Cesar Paes. Documentary Iin Malagasy with English subtitles. The film pioneers a...
Madagascar: A Land Like No Other (1997) 1997. 110. Madagascar. Documentary Presents an extensive ecotour of Madagascar's rainforests and wildlife...
Zulei (1992) 1992. 52 minutes. Niger. Documentary Zulei, a 14-year-old Fulani girl about to be married, is the focus of...
2004. 52 minutes. A film by Helen Aastrup-Samuels and Bo Harringer. Documentary It is estimated that there are 100,000 people...
Sometimes in April (2005) 2005. 140 minutes. France / USA / Rwanda. Written and directed by Raoul Peck. Re-tells the...
2006. 78 minutes. A Film by Daisy Lamothe. Documentary Seydou Konat? is a doctor in a remote area in Mali...
2005. 107 minutes. A Film by Assane Kouyat?. Feature Film Magic spells lend a helping hand in this debut feature...