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A sleepy little village on the Liberian border, this also happens to be one of the absolute best places in...
The ruins of this royal cemetery tell the history of the end of the reign of Meroe's pharaohs who ruled...
The flat grassy plains are broken up abruptly by towering sandstone massifs perfectly sculpted by wind and water into gorges...
If you enjoy diving excellent areas to go are: The <i>Trou du Proph?te in Misamiouli </i>on Ngazidja, <i>Niumashuwa Bay </i>on...
Most tourists and travellers come visit the beautiful, quiet coastal area of Ifaty. The area features the villages of Ifaty,...
Cayenne-colored sands and the endless blue Namibian sky over Sossousvlei have hypnotized visitors to this southern African country. Tours take...
Camp, walk, hike or swim in the bubbling hot springs of one of the world's largest canyons. The canyon itself...
On the outskirts of Oshogbo lies the Sacred Forest, a large area of rainforest and a Shrine to Oshuno, the...
Leather goods and woodcarvings are made and sold here, and there are several jewellers offering gold and silver objects that...
A vast complex of houses, tombs and mosques, the Gede ruins are nestled deep in the forest near the Kenyan...