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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. Use our listings of places to stay to find accommodation as you plan your next trip.

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211 to 220 of 656

Only 20 miles from the city center. Many comforts and amenities offered.
The only hotel in the city center of this bustling city of Lusaka.
The rooms are clean and comfortable. Very good value for your money.
Good value for the money.
Very good value for the money.
Located within its own game reserve.
on the bank of the Zambezi river, a stone throws away from the victoria falls. Great for honeymoons
One of the new places where you will get to enjoy open safari trips into the jungle where the parks...
This hotel perfectly melds modern comforts with a genuine African warmth.
If the majesty of Victoria Falls does not elevate you into a different state, this remarkable hotel will.