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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. Use our listings of places to stay to find accommodation as you plan your next trip.

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201 to 210 of 656

A top place to stay when visiting the Kasanka National Park.
This beautiful hotel has spacious rooms, great food and service. The city has many attractions, including the St. Mariam Darit...
Besides offering great accommodation, Arabian Nights also offers European and Indian cuisine.
Affordable accommodation and an excellent restaurant.
Affordable accommodation.
Arguably the best accommodation you will find in Ndola.
It is located near the bus station.
Comfortably furnished, air-conditioned rooms set atop a cliff overlooking the Indian Ocean. Two restaurants on-site and snorkeling services offered.
The city of Dekemhare's Italian architecture and mild climate makes it an enjoyable visit and Park Hotel makes your visit...
Resort with it's own beach club.